Ubiquitous computing at retail outlet

To achieve efficiency of logistics and store operation, RF tag is being applied to case of items as well as individual items. However, this RF tag is not only used to improve efficiency but also has a possibility to provice customers new shopping experiences. Moreover, this technology helps capturing behavior of not only store staffs but also customers. This newly available data may prevail how customers select or not select items in the store.

In this research stream, we are proposing new store applications as well as how we could analyze the data to get new values.

Tatsuya Inaba, Yusuke Ito, "Low involvement product marketing using fine granular real space information," International Proc. of Economics Development and Research, Vol.84, pp.77-84, 2015, pp19-26 (2015) 

Tetsuro Tamura, Tatsuya Inaba, Osamu Nakamura, Jiro Kokuryo, Jun Murai, "A proposal on RFID data analytics methods," Proceedings of Internet Of Things 2010 (2010) 

Tatsuya Inaba, Shigenobu Miyazaki, "Service performance improvement by using RFID-enabled goods traceability data: a case study," International Journal of Services Technology and Management Vol. 14 No.4 (2010)